We started out by traveling across the ocean for a better life - a life removed from tyrannical government that would not listen to our voices, no matter how often or how loudly we spoke. And we survived the journey! We survived the Revolution, and over time created a life of our own, and then a country, and then a government. All three were possible because of God's Grace; and yes we believed! And we survived! And in the process we created the finest government in history, and defined that government when we wrote The Constitution of the United States of America! We survived the Indian Wars, the Civil War, and the war of 1812. Life was tough, but we relied on God, weren't afraid of, or adverse to, working hard; it was expected - both by our neighbors and ourselves. And we built our lives and our country - and we survived. We fought in WWI and survived. We became the greatest nation on earth! We embraced the Golden Age of the 20's, and ushered in the Crash of 1929. And through it all we survived. But that was before...
That was before Progressivism wormed it's way into America.
And so now we are a different America. Oh sure, we survived the attack on Pearl Harbor, WWII, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, the Civil Rights Movement, the Cold War, The Gulf War, the attack on The World Trade Center and even 9/11. But during the past 60 years there has been a religious and moral erosion in America that's taken it's toll on us, even as the events that dramatically impact our country come quicker, with shorter and shorter intervals between each. And we've been programmed to diminish God's importance in our lives. Now we only look to God when we are afraid. Well that's not going to allow us to survive any longer.
We survived the first 150 years of our existence because of our faith, not despite it. But if you analyzed today against 1925, you'd find a far different population in America. Different values, different personal responsibility expectations, different work ethics, different principles, different expectations of our neighbors, a different government role. And you'd find a far different emphasis on God.
So when you ask yourself "how did we ever survive?" look no further than God. And when you ask yourself "Will we continue to survive?" ask yourself "Where is God now?" That should give you the answer...
Wake Up America!
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