In Harry Reid's speech on healthcare today, he claimed that it was high time that Congress enacted HealthCare as a right, not a privilege. How can it be that he has forgotten that our Constitution specifically states that our rights are given to us by our Creator, not our government? What a moron! Vote him OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wake Up America!
A Republic Restoration Project In Progress... No Stimulus Money Used, Needed or Wanted. Join The Project; Fight Tyranny!
"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." - Benjamin Franklin;
"And when politicians find that honor and character matter less than buying votes and a constituency, that too will herald the end of the Constitution. When that happens we must work tirelessly to change their minds, or their occupation!" - Hoping The Blind Will See
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Destroying A Nation - Barack Obama's Promise of Change
Our Nation Created, Our Nation Destroyed
by Susan Dale
A group of men, from disparate parts of the American colonies, from varying levels of society and with quite different temperaments and opinions, came together in the late 18th Century to create a nation.
What they achieved was a mixture of the ideas of the philosophies of 17th and 18th Century France, the examples of freedoms gained at certain periods in British history, and some quite radical theories on the freedom of man that came from our own home grown thinkers.
Nothing like it had ever been done in the history of the world.
It was a time for excitement, for fear, for resolve, for imagination, for determination, for daring, yet feelings remained mixed as the majority of these men hoped to the end, i.e., the beginning of the Revolutionary War, that reconciliation with the mother country could still be achieved. Even after the war had started, meetings of the rebels would automatically conclude, as in so many past years, with their raising their glasses for a rousing toast of “God Save the King.”
It was undoubtedly the greatest confluence of minds, both thinkers from past centuries, like Charles Henri de Montesquieu, to those of the time who were espousing freedom from tyranny, like Thomas Paine, to have ever come together in history. All the ideas and concepts put forth by these thinkers, writers, philosophers and political agitators were thoroughly discussed and encapsulated into the timeless documents creating the United States of America that survive and provide the rules for the governance of our nation to this day.
Therein lies the problem.
Until 2009, every President elected to lead this nation has, in fact, strived to abide by the rules in the Constitution; that is, until hope and change came to America. America is currently being governed by an agenda driven group of self regarded elites who are not abiding by any rules other than their own to gain total political power over the American people. This Administration more closely resembles the Politburo than it does what George Washington and the other Founders created to ensure the preservation of the freedoms they fought so hard to achieve.
Let’s see -- shall we compare John Locke and Thomas Paine to Saul Alinsky and William Ayres? Perhaps the Baron de Montesquieu to the Reverend Jeremiah Wright? Or maybe Adam Smith to Obama fave Louis Farrakhan?
One need not say more in presenting the current set of philosophical/political beliefs that guide this Administration. They are striving to achieve what they think you should have, (not for your good, but for their control over you), despite the fact that you don’t want it. As the American people shout to whomever will listen of their complete disgust with the outright thievery of the stimulus bill, serious consideration by Obama and his cohorts in Congress is being given to pass yet another one. As support, (which was never very high), by the American public for the abomination that is Obama health care reform, (both bills), plummets to 40%, Obama and his fellow elites just ignore and lie to the American people as they continue in whatever illegal and unconstitutional ways they can think of to ensure that we are imprisoned in this nightmarish system. Americans, in large part, love their nation, and are proud of what America has been and has done in this world. Obama, who does not feel this way, completely ignores this and as the most traveled president at this point in his term in our history, consistently belittles the many great achievements of the United States and humiliates, denigrates, and apologizes for, America everywhere he goes. And he has been wrong, in each and very such circumstance. Imagine our collective surprise, for example, when we found out that the only reason America became involved in bringing down the Berlin Wall, thus freeing the population of half of Europe, was to have made it possible for the election of the first African American president?
This president is perennially cringe-inducing. In yet another example of this, just days after proof was abundantly revealed of the complete fraud that is and always has been ‘climate change,’ what does Obama do? He changes his mind and announces that he is going to the international climate change conference in Copenhagen, after all!
It is just as stunning to watch this Administration working so hard on a daily basis, (they know they don’t have much time), to destroy this nation, as it is to observe the mainstream media working with equal diligence to make sure that this Administration succeeds in this effort. The media is, at this stage, not just complicit in what Obama and his people are doing, they are actively and frantically assisting them. The leg tinglers are not only refusing to report on any news that reflects negatively on Obama, and work overtime to try to annihilate any conservative or republican, even if they are not in office, they are now also refusing to even report real news stories they don ‘t want known. If I remember correctly, the opposite was the purpose of journalism in principle, but clearly it is no longer. A classic example of this is Climategate, about which stories emerge daily regarding the large number of e-mails exchanged between ‘eminent’ scientists proving that the primary climate change alarmists had either lied, made up data, destroyed data results that they didn’t like, or suppressed data. It turns out that many such e-mails were sent to the BBC, or CNN, or any number of other mainstream media outlets some time ago, and there were not only no news reports of these astounding documents, but the stories were actually hushed up. When one reflects on the billions upon billions of dollars that have already been spent on the complete scam of climate change, and the extraordinary and ruinous amounts proposed to be spent in the future, one can see the enormity of this scandal. But the mainstream media do not find it worthy of reportage.
What I sometimes wonder is why the members of the mainstream media, who at this point have lost any shred of impartiality, respect , dignity, honesty or professionalism, want to see their country destroyed. Aren’t they Americans? Haven’t they been made aware of the glorious history of their nation? Haven’t they observed their fathers’ and grandfathers’ pride in fighting to defend this country? Is it that somehow they regard themselves as immune to the results of what Obama is trying to accomplish? Or is it that they are in such an elite, self satisfied bubble that they assume that these reversals of the freedoms that they currently enjoy will only effect the plebeians, i.e., all the rest of us? They will find that they will be as overtaxed as we are, as watched by the state as we are, as ruled over by multiculturalism and political correctness as we are, their children as indoctrinated as ours are, and they will be as longing for the America that George Washington created and Barack Hussein Obama, with their help, is destroying.
by Susan Dale
A group of men, from disparate parts of the American colonies, from varying levels of society and with quite different temperaments and opinions, came together in the late 18th Century to create a nation.
What they achieved was a mixture of the ideas of the philosophies of 17th and 18th Century France, the examples of freedoms gained at certain periods in British history, and some quite radical theories on the freedom of man that came from our own home grown thinkers.
Nothing like it had ever been done in the history of the world.
It was a time for excitement, for fear, for resolve, for imagination, for determination, for daring, yet feelings remained mixed as the majority of these men hoped to the end, i.e., the beginning of the Revolutionary War, that reconciliation with the mother country could still be achieved. Even after the war had started, meetings of the rebels would automatically conclude, as in so many past years, with their raising their glasses for a rousing toast of “God Save the King.”
It was undoubtedly the greatest confluence of minds, both thinkers from past centuries, like Charles Henri de Montesquieu, to those of the time who were espousing freedom from tyranny, like Thomas Paine, to have ever come together in history. All the ideas and concepts put forth by these thinkers, writers, philosophers and political agitators were thoroughly discussed and encapsulated into the timeless documents creating the United States of America that survive and provide the rules for the governance of our nation to this day.
Therein lies the problem.
Until 2009, every President elected to lead this nation has, in fact, strived to abide by the rules in the Constitution; that is, until hope and change came to America. America is currently being governed by an agenda driven group of self regarded elites who are not abiding by any rules other than their own to gain total political power over the American people. This Administration more closely resembles the Politburo than it does what George Washington and the other Founders created to ensure the preservation of the freedoms they fought so hard to achieve.
Let’s see -- shall we compare John Locke and Thomas Paine to Saul Alinsky and William Ayres? Perhaps the Baron de Montesquieu to the Reverend Jeremiah Wright? Or maybe Adam Smith to Obama fave Louis Farrakhan?
One need not say more in presenting the current set of philosophical/political beliefs that guide this Administration. They are striving to achieve what they think you should have, (not for your good, but for their control over you), despite the fact that you don’t want it. As the American people shout to whomever will listen of their complete disgust with the outright thievery of the stimulus bill, serious consideration by Obama and his cohorts in Congress is being given to pass yet another one. As support, (which was never very high), by the American public for the abomination that is Obama health care reform, (both bills), plummets to 40%, Obama and his fellow elites just ignore and lie to the American people as they continue in whatever illegal and unconstitutional ways they can think of to ensure that we are imprisoned in this nightmarish system. Americans, in large part, love their nation, and are proud of what America has been and has done in this world. Obama, who does not feel this way, completely ignores this and as the most traveled president at this point in his term in our history, consistently belittles the many great achievements of the United States and humiliates, denigrates, and apologizes for, America everywhere he goes. And he has been wrong, in each and very such circumstance. Imagine our collective surprise, for example, when we found out that the only reason America became involved in bringing down the Berlin Wall, thus freeing the population of half of Europe, was to have made it possible for the election of the first African American president?
This president is perennially cringe-inducing. In yet another example of this, just days after proof was abundantly revealed of the complete fraud that is and always has been ‘climate change,’ what does Obama do? He changes his mind and announces that he is going to the international climate change conference in Copenhagen, after all!
It is just as stunning to watch this Administration working so hard on a daily basis, (they know they don’t have much time), to destroy this nation, as it is to observe the mainstream media working with equal diligence to make sure that this Administration succeeds in this effort. The media is, at this stage, not just complicit in what Obama and his people are doing, they are actively and frantically assisting them. The leg tinglers are not only refusing to report on any news that reflects negatively on Obama, and work overtime to try to annihilate any conservative or republican, even if they are not in office, they are now also refusing to even report real news stories they don ‘t want known. If I remember correctly, the opposite was the purpose of journalism in principle, but clearly it is no longer. A classic example of this is Climategate, about which stories emerge daily regarding the large number of e-mails exchanged between ‘eminent’ scientists proving that the primary climate change alarmists had either lied, made up data, destroyed data results that they didn’t like, or suppressed data. It turns out that many such e-mails were sent to the BBC, or CNN, or any number of other mainstream media outlets some time ago, and there were not only no news reports of these astounding documents, but the stories were actually hushed up. When one reflects on the billions upon billions of dollars that have already been spent on the complete scam of climate change, and the extraordinary and ruinous amounts proposed to be spent in the future, one can see the enormity of this scandal. But the mainstream media do not find it worthy of reportage.
What I sometimes wonder is why the members of the mainstream media, who at this point have lost any shred of impartiality, respect , dignity, honesty or professionalism, want to see their country destroyed. Aren’t they Americans? Haven’t they been made aware of the glorious history of their nation? Haven’t they observed their fathers’ and grandfathers’ pride in fighting to defend this country? Is it that somehow they regard themselves as immune to the results of what Obama is trying to accomplish? Or is it that they are in such an elite, self satisfied bubble that they assume that these reversals of the freedoms that they currently enjoy will only effect the plebeians, i.e., all the rest of us? They will find that they will be as overtaxed as we are, as watched by the state as we are, as ruled over by multiculturalism and political correctness as we are, their children as indoctrinated as ours are, and they will be as longing for the America that George Washington created and Barack Hussein Obama, with their help, is destroying.
Healthcare, your Christmas present…
This from Animal Farm for those of you who do not read that blog. Can you feel his frustration? Do you feel ANY of it? Do you think you are immune to the repercussions of this administration, and these leftist socialists? Do you honestly wake up in the morning and say, "I can live with this" and expect that those same socialists who have perpetrated this power grab on America will stop here? Are you that disassociated with the political agenda's that permeate Washington? Are you that apathetic? Are you that uninterested in your future? Your children's future? Your grandchildren's future? Do you honestly feel inadequate to affect ANY change in your life? Are you afraid to ACT? React? Have they succeeded in mentally beating you into submission through their will? Their agenda? I suggest that if this doesn't wake you up, you are already dead - morally, spiritually, mentally, and politically. If I could, I would reach out and slap each and every one of you across the face to snap you out of it. Put the Kool-Aid down, now is not the time for quenching your thirst on the teat of the government. Stand up and be counted. Believe that you can make a difference, and together one will becomes two, and two will become four, and before you know it millions will become tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions. You are NOT alone. Do not think that! And certainly do NOT believe that! So I say again America, Wake Up!
Read on...
Healthcare, your Christmas present…
Read on...
Healthcare, your Christmas present…
During This Christmas Season, Take The Time To Think About Your Freedom, And Then Thank A Soldier
Freedom IS worth fighting for.
Wake Up America!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Taxation Without Proper Representation, What's Our Recourse?
What gives our elected officials the right to tax us, and then spend that money to buy the votes to pass legislation that will cost us all even MORE money? What is wrong with this Congress? What is wrong with Americans for taking this without some meaningful reaction? Instead, we sit in our living rooms and a.) hide our heads in the sitcoms, or b.) complain to our spouse, but do nothing. There are some who are writing their Congressmen, but that has had little effect with this congress, so what's the point.
We have all been taught that actions have consequences, but there seems to be NO consequences for this group. So what's the game plan? Can we afford to wait until the 2010 elections, hoping that there will be a substantial backlash that will reshape the make-up of our Congress. And even if there is, what guarantee do we have that those we newly elect won't contract corruptousitus?
How long can we procrastinate before the silent majority decides that matters can best be addressed though our own hands and actions?
Wake Up America! This Congress is too arrogant and superior to listen to you.
We have all been taught that actions have consequences, but there seems to be NO consequences for this group. So what's the game plan? Can we afford to wait until the 2010 elections, hoping that there will be a substantial backlash that will reshape the make-up of our Congress. And even if there is, what guarantee do we have that those we newly elect won't contract corruptousitus?
How long can we procrastinate before the silent majority decides that matters can best be addressed though our own hands and actions?
Wake Up America! This Congress is too arrogant and superior to listen to you.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Is This Political Suicide?
Look what has been happening over the past 9 months. The tax-day Tea Party rallies, largely dissed by the Democratic politicians. August town-hall meetings attended by huge groups of people - largely discounted by the Democratic politicians. The 9/12 March on Washington, attended by 10's (if not 100's) of thousands, yet ridiculed and dismissed by the Democratic politicians. The millions of office visits, emails, and letters by constituents largely ignored by the Democratic politicians. The name calling and belittling of conservative America. And through it all, Obama and his administration has been exerting enormous pressure to pass all manner of spending initiatives.
So I ask, what does Obama and his legion of cronies have on all these politicians that would cause them to ignore their constituencies and in many cases commit political suicide? That's a question I'd love an answer to!
Wake Up America!
So I ask, what does Obama and his legion of cronies have on all these politicians that would cause them to ignore their constituencies and in many cases commit political suicide? That's a question I'd love an answer to!
Wake Up America!
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