"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." - Benjamin Franklin;
"And when politicians find that honor and character matter less than buying votes and a constituency, that too will herald the end of the Constitution. When that happens we must work tirelessly to change their minds, or their occupation!" - Hoping The Blind Will See

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Barack Obama, try to remember that you won the presidency by a "whopping" 4% of the vote - 52% to 48%. That's hardly a resounding mandate by the people now is it, no matter how you spin it. You need to pop your head out of your a$$, take a deep breath of clean, fresh air, and look around you. And you see? Oh yeah, those people. Those people, you know, your cabinet members and czars sitting around the table with you, they're part of the 52% who voted for you. You feel comfortable with them, don't you? Take a look a little further out though - see those people turning green? They voted for you too. They have BRD syndrome -Buyers Remorse Disease. They thought you were going to change Washington, not the foundation of America. They didn't think you would change who we held close around the world as allies either, or which countries we held in disdain for their behavior and beliefs. But you have, you lover of Chavez and Ahmadinejad. And then if you look out on the horizon further still you will see all those people holding signs. Signs that say "I Love America", Stop The Spending", "Leave the 2nd Amendment Alone", "Fair Tax", "No Obama", "I'll Keep My Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness - You Keep Obama", and on and on and on. Those people did not vote for you, but they are coming for you. They may not be that close yet, so their footsteps may sound muffled. But soon, very soon, you'll hear the thundering footsteps of hundreds of thousands, even millions of people as they come for you. You have forgotten that 52% is not a mandate - in fact, 52% is laughable. And yet you show nothing but disdain for the other 48%. What's not laughable is your arrogance, your bully tactics, your disdain for America and her long-standing allies, and your obsession to push your agenda on 50% of the country that does not want it. Yes, many of those who voted for you now have buyers remorse. So you do not even have the majority of people on your side any longer. Actions have consequences, Mr. President, and you and your cronies will find that out very soon. The elections for 2010 are just a short time away. Listen! Shhh, listen! Do you hear them? Do you hear the footsteps? They are coming. We are coming! You will reap what you have sown! I hope you enjoy the harvest!!!

Wake up America!

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