A Republic Restoration Project In Progress... No Stimulus Money Used, Needed or Wanted. Join The Project; Fight Tyranny!
"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." - Benjamin Franklin;
"And when politicians find that honor and character matter less than buying votes and a constituency, that too will herald the end of the Constitution. When that happens we must work tirelessly to change their minds, or their occupation!" - Hoping The Blind Will See
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
In His Own Words And Actions
This link, which includes many sound bites by Obama, leads to an important audio file that you need to listen to. It is about 20 minutes long, so please make sure you have that time available. Otherwise, wait and listen later. If you haven't been scared by what you've heard, read or seen so far, maybe this will help to persuade you that our liberty is under attack, and the way we've lived our lives will fundamentally change if we don't actively engage in the process to stop it.
Then there's this:
The stimulus package that was signed into law - you remember, the one that no one read - contains federal mandates that are not fully funded and that states may ultimately have to cover on their own by increasing taxes or by cutting state spending.
Obama wants the authority to shut down the Internet nationally in the event of an emergency. Yet he hasn't defined, broadly or specifically, what would constitute an emergency. This bill has already been introduced in Congress. Do you remember Iran trying to do that? Why would our government want to stop communication? Makes you think, doesn't it?
Actively supporting reinstituting the Fairness Doctrine - designed to require local stations provide equal time to opposing views, regardless of whether the programs that espouse those views are popular and can generate ad revenue to support the radio station. This will reduce the programming that the people want to hear, and replace it with liberal propaganda and government infomercials.
Considering a "bailout" for minority-owned radio stations like the one implemented for GM and Chrysler.
Obama's belief that America is not a Christian nation.
The fact that when Obama spoke at Georgetown University, symbols representing Jesus Christ were covered up.
Transparency - Obama promised that any bill slated to be signed into law would be placed on the Internet for 5 days for our perusal. That hasn't happened once!
Obama's assault on the 2nd Amendment via the CIFTA treaty, which is being called a convention to disguise what it really is. If it is ratified, it will effectively limit our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. Why would the government want to strip us of our right to personal protection?
Obama wants a civilian security force, as strong and well funded as our own military, which will be required to serve. Can you say Nazi Germany?
Obama's demonstrated bias for black Americans and the free market - remember the Gates/Crowley response? Is he perptuating racism and class envy? Why is he demonizing so many industries?
Obama's propensity to resort to his work as a community organizer - it's what he learned, it's what he knows, it's what he is good at, and it's what he wants for America.
With his election and his choices of cabinet members and czars, I have only one question. How did we allow communist, socialist and Nazi ideologues access to the most powerful office in the world, and the opportunity to ru(i)n our country?
OK, let's summarize. Self avowed Communists and socialists are currently residing in the highest echelons of government. Obama has consolidated power by appointing over 32 czars (so far) that report, and are loyal, only to him. Obama wants to create a "security force", and wants to shut down the Internet when he declares an "emergency". Obama is redistributing wealth, which by definition will result in wealthier people becoming less wealthy and less likely to be able to pay for dissenting opinion, programs, etc. The redistributed wealth, in part, is going to the union organizers who Obama claims he owes much. Why do you think all these things are happening, and happening so quickly? We're in a national 911 here folks. It's time to...
Wake Up America!
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