"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." - Benjamin Franklin;
"And when politicians find that honor and character matter less than buying votes and a constituency, that too will herald the end of the Constitution. When that happens we must work tirelessly to change their minds, or their occupation!" - Hoping The Blind Will See

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Can you say Roman Empire?

Do you remember your history? Do you remember reading about how powerful, influential and far reaching the Romans were? Sound familiar? Know what happened? Their form of government changed - it went from a republic to a democracy to an oligarchy. America is a Republic - which means it is ruled by law. A Republic is different from a Democracy - something many Americans think we are, because our elected officials keep trying to convince us of that (how many of them do you recall speaking of America as a Republic - not many) because we were NOT set up to be "ruled by a majority". Democracies are fundamentally flawed, because they are governed by the majority - even when the majority is wrong. An Oligarchy is a few ruling the many - have any comparison to what we're seeing in Washington today with czar fever? Where is that all leading? Have you ever seen an American president making unilateral decisions that affect business, banking, health care, the OIG's office, etc, etc? Have you seen American presidents do end runs around congress to such an extent in the past? That's what these Obama czars have been created to do - they answer to no one but him, yet have authority over many, many facets of American life. How can that be? Why is it being allowed? Why is there no public outcry? Where is the media? Oh, yeah, they're in Obama's pocket - I forgot, ha ha. Did you know that in terms of governmental structure of countries Communism, Fascism, totalitarianism, etc are ALL leftist governments? History has told us that the Nazi's were on the far right, but that was inaccurate. The far right, in terms of government, is actually anarchy - no government at all. A Republic is located just right of center, and is controlled by law agreed to by the citizens of the country - not created by the few that rule. We are in jeopardy of losing our republic altogether. We're already moving past the democracy stage and heading towards the oligarchy stage. The country is in serious trouble. We are witnessing the very decline of America that we've read about in the history books when it occurred in the Roman Empire. How long do we have before our great civilization ceases to exist? Can you see the greatness of the Roman Empire in Italy? I don't think so. So what will we become? What kind of a country will our grandchildren grow up in? What will history say about the America that was? Take a good look around you now, because the America that was, is nearly gone. She is changing faster than anyone could imagine, and certainly faster than most can keep up with. And the saddest thing about it is that most people are too busy to even notice. And those that do, are so overwhelmed by the changes they don't even know where to begin to stop them. They don't have time to watch and digest news. They don't recognize that many news programs are about opinion, not fact. They don't notice that most news programs are about promoting an ideology, not fact. And there are so many ignorant people, in terms of politics, out there, that slowing the slide may be impossible - never mind reversing it. Many people don't even realize America is being pushed down the path of mediocrity, which will ultimately destroy the dream of America that drove our ancestors to come here. All in the name of POWER! Remember, power corrupts? Well we're witnessing it - and it's been happening most of our lives, it's just more obvious now. That is the most powerful argument that can be given for requiring term limits for our elected officials. I suggest we seriously start pushing that requirement. So, if you're interested in at least trying to bring the greatness back to America (or allowing her to maintain the little she has left), then get involved. TALK to people. Write your congressmen. Get involved in a campaign, and monitor what's going on, and then get the word out - good or bad!! Join the Tea Party movement. Remain aware, or become aware, of what's happening in the country. Most of all, take the time to do it for your children, grandchildren and their children and grandchildren! Wake up America before it's too late!


  1. WOW awesome Dave! Where do we begin, it IS overwhelming!

  2. Yes! Dad, you are SO right! I hate when people confuse Republic and Democracy...they are two totally different things! You are also 100% right that most people don't pay attention to where our country is headed. Or, if they do, they either don't understand the impact or they are too over-whelemed to do anything. It is a sad state we are in.

    Vote For Big D!
